Object of the Month: June 2023
The Little Pomegranate
Published: 16 May 2023
Chosen by: Gulsen, Leicester Museums Volunteer
Collection: Social History
Object Name: The Little Pomegranate

Ceramic pomegranate
Sometimes you might have a turning point in your life. I had one… October 2018.
We had to move to the UK or stay and face many challenges in our country. We had chosen to leave but I can’t describe how painful it was for my heart. I had to distribute all of our belongings except the ones that we could carry with us. The only thing that I couldn’t leave behind was this little turquoise pomegranate. It was a gift from one of my friends from our happy years.
I took it with me and when we first came here it reminded me of all my past including my home, my family, my friends, my country… This little object was carrying all of my life memories. Whenever I looked at it, I was feeling emotional in my Leicester home as a refugee.
Ornament - Pomegranate, Ceramic, 21st century.
Gift of Gulsen, 2022.
The Object of the Month can be seen in person throughout June at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.