Object of the Month: April 2023

Lace Brassiere

Published: 27 March 2023

Chosen by: Anna Fraser, Leicester Museums volunteer

Collection: Costume

Object Name: Lace Brassiere

Brassiere Lace, nylon 1963

Gift of Mrs EN Allen



This beautifully made lace bra was sold by Leicester’s Joseph Johnson around 1962.

"The object appeals to me as I am interested in the history of gender and sexuality, and the way a structured bra like this can shape the body to a traditionally feminine ‘type’. Like female bodies, myths around bras still persist today, such as the Miss America pageant protest in 1968, which popularised the untrue image of women burning bras. I like the way structured bras like this are coming back into fashion, worn by people of all genders in order to express their identities and reclaim the bra."

Anna Fraser, Leicester Museums volunteer

The Object of the Month can be seen in person throughout April at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.
