Leicester College Fashion and Textiles: Student Winner
Leicester College Fashion and Textiles students recently designed a variety of creative newsletters focused on artists. 10 Students were inspired to present their ideas to Leicester Museum and Art Gallery.
Published: 22 April 2024
The students’ initial assignment was linked to a module of work based on patterns in nature. They were initially asked to write an essay choosing one designer/artist to research. They explored how the designer/artist used patterns in nature to inform their ideas. Furthermore, they outlined the designers/artists practice and their relevance to exhibit at contemporary exhibition spaces such as Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.
The students presented their ideas and newsletters in ten short presentations to Leicester Museums staff, who went on to select a winner and runner up.
Congratulations to the winner Rose Stevenson, who was inspired to explore the work of fashion designer Iris Van Herpen...
Winner: Rose Stevenson

"My name is Rose Stevenson and I am a year 1 student studying Fashion and Textiles at Leicester college, my interest for fashion and dressmaking started at around age 8, when my dance teacher at the time had me plan out my costumes for competitions, she would make them herself and I loved deciding what shape and style I wanted my costume to be.
Eventually I started showing more interest in dressmaking than dance, so I started attending sewing classes and gave up dance, during my time in these classes I made shorts, t-shirts, leggings and other basic clothing items. Now I make these clothes at home with my sewing machine alongside my college course, and I am planning on going to university for fashion and textiles.
I think my favourite thing about this course is being able to use materials I can’t get a home, for example transfer paints and the industrial machines, and I’m able to further expand my knowledge for textiles."