For the perfect present or souvenir of your visit, don’t miss our Museum Gift Shop. We have lots for younger visitors at ‘pocket money’ prices and more special gifts inspired by our Ancient Egyptian, German Expressionist, Picasso Ceramics and Arts and Crafts galleries.

If you are a rock and fossil collector you will love our large collection of minerals, stone and fossils.

If you would like to purchase prints of artworks from Leicester Museums & Galleries Collection visit our dedicated page:

Buy Leicester Museum & Art Gallery Prints, Books and Gifts


We are currently making preparations for a programme of works to be undertaken at the museum, including the creation of new galleries and a new café. The contract for the previous café operator has recently ended, and as a short-term measure, we are providing a selection of hot drinks, refreshments and snacks via vending machines. We look forward to welcoming visitors to the Museum’s new café in due course.