Leicester Guildhall Gallery

The Great Hall
A place for entertainment, feasting and learning. Stand in the Great Hall and imagine the atmosphere at many important public events over the centuries. Meetings for all of the City’s powerful business people, local courts known as Quarter Sessions, public meetings, civic dinners, concerts and dramatic entertainment were hosted.
Look at our Events Calendar for details of forthcoming performances and concerts in the Great Hall; attend and become part of this great tradition.
Discover our Medieval Galleries
To help mark the re-interment of King Richard III, our new Medieval Galleries were opened.
With original objects and the latest digital technology, you can discover what it was like in medieval Leicester. Our special quest for families, invites you to choose a character, get dressed up and walk the streets of the medieval town.
Crime and punishment
Many criminals and unsavoury characters passed through the doors of Leicester Guildhall after it became home to the city's first police station from 1876.
Come face to face with 'Crankie Gemmie' and 'Emma Smith', two of Leicester's notorious pick-pockets who can be found lurking within the Victorian police cells.
Leicester’s new library
In 1632 Leicester’s Town Library was moved from the bell tower of St. Martin’s Church into Leicester Guildhall. There are only two older public libraries in the country.
The library rooms were originally living quarters for priests paid to say prayers for members of the Corpus Christi guild.
Leicester Guildhall ghosts
With so many people being part of its story, it is not surprising that Leicester Guildhall is known as the most haunted building in the city.
Teams from television programmes, including ‘Most Haunted’, have visited Leicester Guildhall and, if you dare, you can take part in one of our haunted evening events.